Don’t Fall Behind!
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The 4th of July was always one of my favorite holidays growing up. My hometown has a massive parade that winds through downtown. We would get up crazy early to make sure we got a good spot to see all the floats, our friends in the band marching down main street, and the familiar voice of the announcer ringing out as we ate snowcones and tried to stay cool.

But though I loved a fun filled day that always ended in sparklers and fireworks, it did symbolize that summer was halfway over. Before we knew it, we’d be doing back-to-school shopping (one of my favorite activities) and comparing class schedules to see which friends we would get to see throughout the day.

Personally, I loved the start of school and the fall. I loved learning (and still do!) and I loved being back together with friends all day long.

Summer as an adult feels a little different. It’s a little anticlimactic to say the least, but I do feel the same excitement of fall drawing near. Even if it still feels far away with the worst of the heat still to come, summer is halfway over!

This year will mark the beginning of our new rhythms of adult offerings. Starting in the fall we will have Groups, Men’s and Women’s Bible Study, and the Forge Program.

Groups are a wonderful way to get connected as we dive into fellowship, meet regularly, and engage in family worship and church-wide events. If you are interested in getting connected with a group or beginning one, learn more here!

Men’s and Women’s Bible Study will spend 10 weeks in the fall and 10 weeks in the spring studying the book of Hebrews. We will look to Jesus and look to Him again. He is the hope for a new creation, our eternal priest, and the perfect sacrifice. Registrations for bible study are open!

The Forge Program is a year-long theological and biblical immersion program that seeks to train men and women for the purpose of cultivating leaders so that they have a strong foundation for leading in and from the local church. Applications for the Forge Program close on July 15th and we only have a few spots left!

Regardless of where you engage in this fall, I hope that the 4th of July makes you excited. Not for the yummy food or sparkling lights, though I will be enjoying both of those, but in anticipation for the fall! My hope is for all of us to pause and consider how we want to pursue life in Christ, life together, and life on mission this fall.

Brownie point if you register early! And double brownie points if you caught my pun!

In Christ,

Rachel Parker
