This Sunday is Easter: He is risen! (He is risen indeed!)
Tonight we gather for our first ever Maundy Thursday service and tomorrow we will gather to remember the cross in our Good Friday service, but Sunday's coming. (You can find all the information about the where/when of our services here.)
We enter into the darkest hours of holy week with hope. Resurrection hope.
Holy Week is an invitation, every year, into resurrection realism. A willingness to be honest about the brokenness of the world and the brokenness of sin, without giving into hopelessness.
The tomb is empty. Christ Jesus lives and reigns over all things! In the face of death, the risen Christ reigns. In the face of sin, the risen Christ reigns. In the face of shame, the risen Christ reigns. In the face of suffering, the risen Christ reigns!
I invite you to join us on Easter Sunday as we celebrate the good news of Christ’s victory over sin, death, shame, and Satan.
In keeping with our resolution this year (to pursue evangelism with intentionality), I invite you to consider inviting non-Christian family, friends, and neighbors to join us. They will have the chance to hear the good news and see the good news as we sing, pray, preach, baptized, and celebrate at the Lord’s Table.
Happy Easter. He is risen.He is risen indeed!
In Christ,Kyle Worley