“If Any of You Lacks Wisdom”

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Growing up, a set of words followed me everywhere I went. They came from my mom. As far back as I can remember, basically any time I got dropped off anywhere—it could have been school, church events, sports, friends’ houses; you name it—she would tell me the exact same phrase. Right before I walked away, so it would be the literal last thing I would hear.

“Honor Christ and make wise choices.”

I can still hear those words clear as day in my head, followed by a car door slamming. (I guess the struggle of trying to get your kids to shut things at an appropriate volume has been going 30+ years strong now.)

More times than I can remember, I didn’t listen to my mom’s advice. Like the first and last time I tried to do a skid with my bike on the gravel alley. Or the first and last time I experimented with the cigarette lighter in the car. And yet—more times than I can remember—those words saved me from the consequences of some poor choices and led me to reap the rewards of righteous ones.

Here’s the truth: We need wisdom.

It’s funny. Wisdom seemed so black and white as a kid. It dealt with the simple choice between not doing and doing certain basic things. But, I'm sure that you, just like me, have found walking in wisdom to be more complicated as an adult. The path forward is more hazy. There’s more to consider, more at stake, more surprises, and more exhaustion. We might be older, even wiser, but we still need wisdom—and it is often hard to find.

Fortunately for us, God has made a really sweet promise to his people:

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” James 1:5 (ESV).

You and I lack wisdom. But, praise be to God, he will make us wise. Wise beyond our years and experiences. We need only ask him.

This summer we have spent time meditating on God’s wisdom in the Proverbs through our Wisdom and Witness sermon series. On Sunday evening, at our monthly prayer night, we are going to gather together to plead with God to make us wise people. We are going to ask him to grant us wisdom in nurturing our homes, in stewarding our time and finances, in our vocations, and in our mandate to make disciples.

Bring your family to come discuss and pray about those things together. What a great opportunity for you to show your kids what it looks like to depend on God for help and to seek to honor Christ in all things—like my mom did for me. Perhaps you are facing a crisis right now or just a confusing decision. Come on Sunday and bring those things before the Lord, your pastors, and your brothers and sisters. Our God “gives generously to all without reproach.”

Let’s seek him together.
