The great pastor and writer Oswald Chambers famously said: “Prayer isn’t preparation for the greater work. Prayer is the greater work.”
This year Mosaic’s resolution is focused on prayer: To individually and corporately pursue the renewing and transforming power of prayer. Each week we conclude our services with a benediction that is rooted in the Lord’s Prayer and each month we gather for prayer together.
This Sunday (9/10) we will gather at 4PM at the building where we meet for morning worship to pray together. You are invited, as always, to join us as we pray.
But over the last few months, Rachel Norcross (one of our deacons) and I have been working to build an ongoing prayer ministry that is tied to a prayer team. This team would be on the frontlines of receiving prayer requests from our pastors, staff, deacons, and church members.
We don’t want prayer to be a moment, we want it to become the beating heart of our church family and the very air we breathe. So, we are inviting you to join our new prayer ministry by signing up for the prayer team.
You can sign up for the prayer team . People on the prayer team will be looped in on communication for prayer requests, emergency prayer opportunities, and regular reminders to pray for our church, our leaders, and our community.
Prayer team participants will also receive some basic training in order to be available to pray with men and women after service on Sundays or at our monthly prayer meetings.
Some of you are nurturing the spiritual gift of faith, you believe in the power of prayer or you have seen the power of prayer in your own life and want to be a part of this ministry. We need you!
If you are in need of prayer, you can fill out the prayer request form here and someone will begin to pray for you.
To become a praying church, we need regular opportunities to pray, but we also need a team of people who are committed to stoking the fires of prayer as needs emerge throughout the life of the church.Our church family needs you.