The Living Room of Mosaic
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In our house, the living room is where the life of our family plays out. It’s where we worship, rest, play, and have hard but necessary conversations. Rather than spending the bulk of our time divided off to our own rooms in the house to do our own things, the living room is where we cultivate our communal family life. And it brings us unique joy to welcome others into our living room to get to know and enjoy them together. I wouldn’t be surprised if your living room plays much the same role in your household.

At Mosaic, we believe Groups are the living room of our church. Groups are where we grow in living the missional Christian life together.

We are blessed with our adult ministries that do so much to fuel our growing life in Christ: corporate worship nourishes our souls, Bible Study serves to renew our minds, Passage helps us to grow in intimacy with God as emotional creatures, Flourish helps us to grow in godliness as embodied creatures…I could go on. With deep gratitude for the unique contribution of each of these ministries, it is helpful to step back and ask: “What am I doing with what I am receiving? How am I living what I’m learning?”

We believe groups are a unique environment in our church where we get to grow in living what we are learning together. They are the living room of our church where we learn to live as loving siblings in God’s family who participate in his mission together. Groups are where the weekday-worshiping, recreational, truth-in-love speaking parts of the communal Christian life can really flourish.

With Fall right around the corner, we encourage you to consider joining a group (check here for information and a link to sign up).

But every time we invite people to participate in our groups ministry, we also invite people to consider leading a group. It has been common that demand for groups outstrips group leadership. So would you prayerfully consider opening your living room to be an extension of the living room of our church? Reach out to me if you’d like to start a conversation about the potential of leading a group.

May the Lord increasingly bless the living rooms of our respective dwellings and the living rooms of our church for the advancement of his purposes!

In Christ,

Roman Walley
