C.S. Lewis often spoke of “true magic.” That underneath all the stories of this world was a true story that was more magical than we would dare to believe.
I think there are days of the year where the gap between our lives and the experience of this “true magic” shrinks. And I believe Christmas Eve is one of those days.
Christmas Eve is the Christian life in a nutshell. On Christmas Eve we are at the intersection of longing and fulfillment. Of expectancy and reality. Living in the already and the not yet.
The “true magic” that Lewis spoke of is really the experience of the “sacred.” The holy moments where it seems like the sacred breaks into the ordinary.
What some philosophers have called “thin places” between the supernatural and the ordinary.
What we feel on Christmas Eve is a taste of the “joy of every longing heart.”
But Christmas Eve always leaves us wanting more than what Christmas day delivers. This is by design - we are made for an unending Christmas day. And it is coming with the second advent of Christ. So we wait in worship and wonder.
We will gather to worship on Sunday, Christmas Eve at 10AM.
To bring our longing hearts into the presence of the only one who can satisfy them.
We welcome you to worship with us.
Happy Advent and Merry Christmas,
Kyle Worley